The Gentlemen's Agreement
This is a virtual sweaty handshake agreement between the hosts of the My First Million podcast, and their fans. The hosts, Sam and Shaan, are committed to producing the best content possible. They will work tirelessly to create content that is informative, entertaining, and engaging. In return, their fans are commited to hitting that "subscribe" button on the MFM YouTube channel .
So, has the agreement been honoured by both parties? Let's take a look at the numbers.
Current Stats
Content Length
18d5h56m14s 18d5h56m 18d6h
Fan Time
77d2h 77d2h 77d
The Slacker
So, based on the data, who is the slacker that needs to start picking up their game to honor their end of the agreement?
Sam & Shaan
Sam & Shaan need to produce 58 days 20 hours 3 minutes 46 seconds worth of content on YouTube to even out the agreement.